Monday, November 9, 2009

Thank you for....

With Thanksgiving just around the corner and the smell of cinnamon and Christmas trees wafting just around the corner, it is time to make real efforts to reflect on the good things in life more regularly. So here's a few for today. I am grateful for a sister who is so different from me and yet so alike that she can laugh and get it just by looking at me or finish the next words in my sentence. We had an awesome weekend together this past one and it reminds me of how much I miss her. She isn't a quick drive away, nor is she even a quick plane ride away...and that can be so depressing at times to know she's so near and dear and yet so very far.
I am grateful for opportunities to learn and grow and recognize my mistakes (hopefully before it's too late). I had a rough year at work last year and couldn't quite reconcile my anger with some organizational decisions that I felt were unfair and egregious. It took a lot out of me and I remained stubborn in my position. Looking back with some 20/20 hindsight and some months of growth, I see how I contributed to make the situation even worse than it was. Thankfully I was able to keep my job and learn this over time without too much harm done. Now if only I could exercise 20/20 vision before having to look back.
I am grateful for love and all of the ways my partner shows me daily what love means. It's the little "I'm sorry"s and the stolen kisses in the grocery stores aisles. The compromise for one to be late to work and the other to be early so we can share one more hour together with a joint commute. A set of crossed legs across the couch and on the coffee table with warm pj's and an entertaining show on TV. For so many of these reasons, I am reminded of how strong the power of love is. And for that, and so much more, I am so very grateful.