Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A reminder this week that life can change in a NY minute

Outside my window…. it’s dark (well as dark as it can be living in a major city with tons of light pollution). It was a gorgeous day and tonight is cool and clear.
I am thinking… about the tragedy of learning a co-worker whom I just saw Monday had a stroke later that night and is still in a coma. Life can change in a NY minute.
I am thankful for… knowing that so many people in my life love me...truly love me for what I am -- the good and the bad.
From the kitchen…. not much tonight--it was mexican takeout for me. Maybe icecream later.
I am wearing… pink scottie dog pj pants, a long white sleeve shirt and gray slippers. It is the first night I've worn slippers. Winter must be close, my feet are always freezing lately.
I am reading…Jodi Picoult's, Handle with Care. Love it!
I am hoping… that Friday is warmer than forecasted or it'll be a cold day walking around Manhattan.
Around the house… it is just me tonight. Yankees and Phillies game 6 in the background. Can the Yankees pull it off?! A single desk lamp is on over my's pretty dark in here otherwise.
One of my favorite things… is to travel and see the world and experience new and interesting things. It is all the more a favorite since I met BJ two years ago -- we travel well together and luckily she loves it as much as I do.
A few plans for the rest of the week…. tomorrow is the big launch of the year. Our annual employee engagement survey. Then our gala for The LOFT. The family arrives Friday for a three day weekend in the city. Dinner on Friday with 8 of my favorite people :-) YAY!

1 comment:

ViolinMama said...

So sorry about your friend. Wow. Happy for the rest of your great plans!