Thursday, November 5, 2009

One person can create change...

Tonight was the LGBT center's annual gala. I am an officer on the Board and look forward to this event as a way to bring our community together each year. The theme of tonight was honoring those who have done so much for the people in our community. It is inspiring to hear the stories of the three people who received rewards tonight. The straight couple, whose two children are both gay, became two of the biggest activists in NY state for Marriage Equality since they couldn't stand the injustice of seeing their children treated as second class citizens by our government. The first openly gay mayor of Ossining sharing his story and dedicating his success to his partner of 35 years. And the LOFT's famous volunteer, Al, who wears shorts every day of the year (and yes it does get mighty cold in NYC), has dedicated 17 years of weekly service to our community center by answering calls on our Helpline and organizing countless groups and activities. These individuals inspire me and make me realize that one person really can create change and that change can ripple through the world sparking other good deeds in their fellow citizens. The time is now to step up to the challenge and support the LGBT community and our efforts to be fully recognized as equal citizens in this great (though often too conservative) nation.

1 comment:

ViolinMama said...

What a beautiful night. I know conservative seems to be synonymous with "family values" but families are families, no matter the package - love, commitment, values. It's all there. Why the confusion? I pray every day for reconciliation and compassion.

Much love!!!!