Friday, August 15, 2008

Life is a blank slate

Am I finally taking the plunge? Joining the world of bloggers - I'll admit I am not usually among the first to try out new fads. It took me forever to finally create a Facebook profile. I've been a lurker out there in cyberspace reading many others' blogs and feeling a part of their lives from a distant place. Maybe those of you who know me, and even those of you who don't, will now get to experience pieces and parts of my life through this blank slate.

You might wonder how I chose my blog name. As the thorough researcher that I am, I googled "blog names" and "how to pick a blog name" to get some ideas. I tend to do that...research everything first, decide later. I hope that's what makes me good at what I do and I hope that doesn't frustrate too many of you who await an answer from me and find it might take longer to get than desired.

"blank slate"... To me it means the chance to write my own story. To create my day, every day. To make choices, hopefully good ones that lead me down successful paths. To try something new and share it. To give to others and to the world each day in hopes of paying it forward for all the giving I've been a recipient of through the years.

This is my blank slate, my tabula rasa. Let's see how the pages fill up as life's journey continues.

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